Are you looking to grow your audience online? If so, a speaker page is a must. on your website.
It’s an easy way for people to find you to let you know that you’re available to be booked to speak before their audience on their podcast, on a virtual summit, or whatever it is.
Speaker pages are an absolute must if you’re ready to take your business to the next level.
Let’s talk about the specifics that need to be on your speaker page so you can start getting booked for more podcasts, virtual summits, and other stages.
1. Write an Engaging Bio
First of all, a speaker page has to have your bio because this is a great page for you to be able to send people after they’ve already booked you. It makes it easy for them to take the information that they need without having to email it back and forth.
I always suggest my clients have a short bio and a long bio on their page. Their short bio is usually about three sentences. And a longer bio is a little bit longer, maybe 200 to 300 words. The reason is some people need more information for their promotional materials, and some people just don’t have the space for it.
So what do you even put in the bio? Think of it this way, a bio is not your resume. It is someone’s introduction to you. Make it exciting, make it interesting, make it relatable, and make it some way for someone to connect with you.
I usually put in my bio that I travel full time, not because it’s an all applicable to me designing websites, but because it’s a connection point. Some people have dreamed about traveling full time, some people have done it, some people are digital nomads. It’s just something interesting about my life that other people connect to.
So what is that for you? Do you run marathons, have an interesting hobby, watch a certain show? Whatever it is, add something interesting in your bio. It does not at all has to be related to your business.
The second thing that you want to make sure to put in there an “I help” statement. What do you do? Who do you help? How do you do it? What is the purpose of it? Make sure that it’s clear who you help and how you help them so people can quickly know if they are your target audience.
If I say “I’m a web designer for solopreneurs who are ready to give their brand a promotion” that lets people know who I work with, right? I work with single person businesses, I don’t work with corporations. How I help them is I design websites and I help them up level their brand. That’s an I help statement.
Then the last thing you want to make sure to have in your bio is a call to action. Don’t leave this out. I see it missed all the time. And it’s a missed opportunity for you to grow your audience and further connects people. Maybe promote your freebie, promote your group, or promote your podcast. Whatever it is, give a way for people to connect with you further right there in your bio. Then list your website so they know where to go to check out more about you.
It doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Don’t overthink it. But don’t miss that step. It’s really critical to really making the most of your speaking opportunities.

2. Provide Your Headshots
Another thing we want to make sure to have is headshots. And I love to mix this up to have two to three headshots, just to make sure that people have exactly what they need without having to go back and forth with emails.
So I love to do square headshots, horizontal headshot, and a vertical headshot. Make sure to include at least one horizontal headshot with some space off of the side so they can put words on top of it if they need to. Make it easy for them to download exactly what they need.
3. List Your Speaking Topics
Another thing that is important to include on your speaker page is possible speaking topics. What do you want to talk about? If I asked you to come talk to my audience today, what would you want to give a talk on?
I love to include three speaking topics. It’s a good number to let people know about what you do without overwhelming them.
List out your topics on the page in a way that the headlines are what you would name your talk. Make those headlines interesting. Don’t say I talked about branding. Write a fun way to say that.
And then underneath the headlines, give about a two sentence overview of what that topic would entail. Let them know a little bit more information. And once again, make it exciting.
You’re a salesperson at the heart of it. No matter what you do, you sell and you market yourself. So make sure to do that here as well.
4. Create A Promo Video
Something else to consider having on your speaker page is a promotional video. If you’re really serious about getting on bigger stages before bigger groups, especially if you would like to do in person events, then a promotional video is a must!
Consider having a video editor help you make your promotional video. It could be a video of you talking and then they put some photos in there. If you’ve spoken on stages before, then include pictures or even a short video of you speaking in there.
A promo video is a great way for people not just to see you, but also to hear you to hear how you talk. It does not have to be long. It could be a minute or less. But it’s just a great edge and shows people that you’re really serious about your speaking career.
5. Show Your Social Proof
Another thing that we want to make sure that every single speaker page has is social proof. This is a great place to put places that you’ve spoken before.
This could be shown as logos of podcasts, summits or groups that you’ve spoken to before.
You could also include links to podcast episodes, YouTube videos, or other recordings of you speaking.
The third way to show social proof is to add testimonials. But I would not, however, add testimonials from your clients. Make sure that these testimonials are specific to your speaking engagements, because that’s what we’re selling here, right? We’re not selling your services, we’re selling you as a speaker.
So if you have testimonials of people who have hosted you before or someone who has heard you talk before, this is a great place to put that.
6. Have a Call to Action
The last thing that we want to make sure that every single speaker place has is a way to contact you. There has to be a call to action on here. How do what do people do? How do they get ahold of you? How do they book you?
I love making it easy for people to contact you in the way that they feel the most comfortable. So have a contact form, list your email address, and put in the links to your social media profiles. That gives people multiple options to get a hold of you in a way that makes them the most comfortable and make the most sense for their lives.
Now you have all the information that you need to make a great speaker page on your website and start getting booked on stages in front of audiences that will really allow you to grow your business to the level that you’re desiring!
Need help help doing that? Reach out, and let’s talk about how to get your brand the promotion it needs so you can show the world you mean business!